A month after launching I'm happy to mention that Cosmos has been downloaded more then 1000+ times! Thanks everyone for downloading and using it 🙂
The response has been incredible and lot of nice people have been spreading the word on twitter.
Probably the best tool for Maya ever, a launcher that will alleviate the pain! https://t.co/bTnmaAdwKd
— Cristobal Infante (@cgcris_com) June 5, 2017
I endorse this product https://t.co/XAKJBQp8zG
— Fabio Zaveti (@fabbioz) June 5, 2017
After discovering this today I am certain I will never use #maya again without it! Thanks for the awesome tool @deer_stranger https://t.co/U8lRPgFqJU
— Tom Norman (@marvolo3D) June 7, 2017
Just bought #Cosmos (tools search engine for #3dMaya) by @deer_stranger. Hate clicking through menues? Check it out: https://t.co/IG2ERKcXFO pic.twitter.com/ui3lMgu8sE
— Sophia Zauner (@mattschwarzAnim) July 3, 2017
This seems extremely useful! Can we have something like this for Modo @TheFoundryTeam ?
— Frédéric Hein (@frederic_hein) July 3, 2017
Do you use @autodesk #Maya and never know where things are? Check this launcher for Maya that @deer_stranger did! =) https://t.co/mCJv2o8q7Q
— Nidia Dias (@ImNidiaDias) June 5, 2017
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